Updated Sept. 11, 2023
Corn snakes are beautiful and harmless reptiles. Their orange, red, and brown bodies make them easy to spot and identify. There is no reason to fear the beneficial corn snake.
Corn snakes are sometimes referred to as the red rat snake, however, they are more closely related to king snakes. The corn snake ( Pantherophis guttatus) is typically about three feet long but may grow as long as four feet.
The record is 72 inches! WOW!
Snakes have a bad reputation that is undeserved. They are valuable members of their ecological niches.
Fox Run EEC director, Ame Vanorio, with Corny.
What Do Corn Snakes Look Like?
Corn snakes are noted for their beautiful coloring. They have a box pattern of red and orange although shades of brown are also common. The underneath has a black and white checked pattern in a square shape. The belly is said to resemble “Indian Corn” and is one reason for their descriptive name.
Fear Based Killing
Corn snakes sometimes are mistaken for copperheads, a venomous snake found in the same regions. Corn Snake populations have suffered from fear-based killing perpetuated by mistaken identity.
Copperhead markings are duller and have an hourglass or bow tie shape when you are looking down upon it as you can see by the photo on the right. Copperheads have a thicker body with a triangular head and vertical pupils. As pit vipers, you can see the heat sensory organs.
The corn snake has brighter markings, a round eye shape, and is more slender than the copperhead. A corn snake’s eyes are typically red or orange.
Look closely. There are some similarities but also differences. No snake should ever be randomly killed but give plenty of space to the copperhead.
What’s In A Name? Do Corn Snakes Really Eat Corn?
The corn snake was so named because they often were found in corn cribs or around grain mills. They don’t eat corn but they do eat mice!
Corn snakes are very beneficial to farmers because they feed on mice and rats that damage crops. There are written accounts in farm newsletters dating back to 1675.
Corn snakes eat predominantly rodents and small mammals. They also eat lizards, frogs, and small birds. Corn snakes hunt their prey and kill them using constriction.
Constriction is used by most nonvenomous snakes. The snake strikes at the prey and then coils around it which shuts off the prey’s blood flow causing death. The snake then eats the prey whole using muscles to push the food down into its body.
Check out my video below to see a clip of Corny eating a mouse.
The snake’s sense of smell is its primary means of locating prey. Sight would be secondary. The size of the prey they eat is in relation to the size of the snake’s body. Hatchlings eat newborn mice while adults can eat a small rat or larger field mouse.
Check out the My Adult Books for my books on Wildlife Rehabilitation and My Children’s Book page for my new line of fun and educational activity books.
Kentucky Impact
Red Corn Snakes are considered a “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. This means that their population and range are being monitored.
Where Are Corn Snakes Found In Kentucky?
In Kentucky, the corn snake has limited distribution. Two distinct populations occur in the Mammoth Cave and Red River Gorge areas.
Kentucky does not have any protections for corn snakes. In Kentucky, as in many states, it is illegal to take snakes from their environment to sell them.
Corn Snake Distribution in the US
By Acapella - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8986683
Species Variation and Region
Nationally corn snakes are found throughout the southeastern United States. They are widespread from North Carolina to the Florida Keys and west to eastern Louisiana and southern Tennessee.
Corn snakes are protected in the state of Georgia and listed as a species of concern in Florida.
While not as populous farther north the corn snake territory extends into New Jersey.
Taxonomy is crazy:
Species taxonomy has become very complicated for corn snakes.
One species that lives in the western states was at one time considered a subspecies. The Great Plains rat snake (Pantherophis emoryi) is now considered its own species.
The Slowinski’s corn snake (Pantherophis slowinskii) was considered a subspecies until recently. This species occurs in Western Louisiana and Eastern Texas and is grayish brown in color with large, alternating, darker brown splotches.
Living Habitat
Corn snakes live in a variety of places but prefer upland areas that are dry and exposed. Woodlands, brush areas outside of fields and under barns. They are common in agricultural areas and have easily adapted to urban areas. In the south, they may go into foundations of homes in search of prey.
They live in areas where field mice and other small mammals live and often travel in rodent burrows or tunnels made by tree roots. They are more common in sandy pinewood habitats along coastal regions than mountainous ones.
Corn snakes are superb climbers and the young especially can often be spotted in trees or brush. This is a good opportunity for them to escape predators and also hunt tree frogs and small birds.
Depending on the weather Corn snakes are active in both the daytime and nighttime. During hot months they will often curl up under a log or brush and sleep. Coming out at night to hunt.
During the spring and fall they come out and sun themselves during the day. Corn snakes are fossorial, which means burrowing, and are not often seen in the wild.
Why Does A Corn Snake Shed?
All snakes shed their skin. This is also called sloughing or molting. Scientists call this process ecdysis.
Humans shed their skin too. We just do it continuously by shedding individual cells. Our skin grows along with the rest of us.
A snake can not shed individual skin cells so they shed the outer layer of skin as a unit. This allows the snake to continue to grow.
Snakes grow (and shed) their entire lives. They do not stop growing. However, they do slow down. My corn snake sheds once or twice a month. As he gets older I can expect him to shed once every two months.
Corn snakes are solitary and only seek out another corn snake during mating season. The males will look for females by smell and use chemical cues to “court” them.
Mating occurs in spring. Corn snakes lay large clutches of three to thirty oval eggs in the spring. They often lay eggs in rotten logs, old foundations, or other warm, moist places. The eggs are oval in shape and have a thick leathery shell.
The eggs take approximately sixty days to incubate in temperatures around eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit. They hatch in late summer. Like baby chickens, the snakes have an egg tooth that helps them to break out of the egg.
Adults do not care for babies. The baby corn snakes are about eight to twelve inches and the width of a pencil when they hatch. They are duller in color.
It takes two years for them to reach maturity. In the wild corn snakes have a life span of around 10 -15 years.
Rescue and Rehabilitation
Snakes most often come into rehabilitation because they have been hit on the road. Sometimes snakes will be living in cavities in your home (especially in older homes) and make a surprise appearance in winter.
If you find an injured nonvenomous snake in an unsafe location use a smooth branch or broomstick handle to place it in a box or pillowcase. You can slide a piece of cardboard under the injured section of the body to help stabilize movement.
To find a reptile rehabilitator anywhere in the USA go to Animal Help Now and put in your location. Unfortunately, reptile rehabilitators are even less common than mammal rehabbers.
Our education ambassador, Corny, was adopted from Arrowhead Reptile Rescue in Cincinnati, Ohio. He had been abandoned during a move and was in very poor health when he was taken to Arrowhead. Their website has lots of good information.
Check out my YouTube channel for videos on wildlife and organic gardening.
Threats To Livestock or Property
Want to know the best part?
Corn snakes are not a threat to people or livestock. They are non-venomous, however, they may vibrate their tail as a threat. Corn snakes prefer to slither away and hide when you get too close.
They are not known to raid chicken houses and the standard chicken egg would be too large for many corn snakes to manage eating.
Want to learn more about snakes and popular misconceptions. My friend David Steen has a fabulous book. Check it out.
Improve Habitat for Species
I love when people ask me what they can do to help wildlife!
Corn snakes, like many reptile species, are in decline due to habitat destruction. Unregulated commercial collecting has also reduced the population. People continue to steal wildlife from their homes and sell them into the pet trade.
The best way to encourage snakes in your yard is to provide hiding places. A pile of stones, a rotting log or an old piece of roofing metal on the ground. Corn snakes like to climb, so having some bushes and small trees are ideal.
Water is necessary for all animals and snakes are no different. A bird bath on the ground is great for snakes.
Remember, organic gardening provides a clean, safe habitat for all animals.
Corn Snakes As Pets
Corn snakes are a docile snake compared to many other species.
Because of their laid-back nature and smaller size, corn snakes are a popular snake to keep as a pet.
I highly recommend adopting a rescue snake if you are looking for a pet. Snakes sold in pet stores must come from captive breeding programs. It is illegal to take snakes from the wild.
Captive breeders have introduced several color lines including albinos. This is actually unfortunate since those genetic lines have been introduced into the wild when snakes escape or are abandoned. As you can imagine an albino snake is at greater risk from predators.
Getting a pet snake is a serious decision that you should think about before purchasing. Corn snakes can live thirty years in captivity. You need to consider if you can be available to your corn snake for that length of time.
Corn snakes also need to be fed on a regular basis and require a habitat suitable for their needs. Putting a snake in a ten-gallon aquarium is cruel. Your snake needs to have adequate room to stretch out, move around freely, and have things to climb and hide under.
Supplies needed for a Pet Corn snake
Keeping a pet corn snake requires a few essential supplies to ensure its health and well-being. Here is a list of supplies necessary for providing a comfortable and stimulating environment for your corn snake:
Corn snakes are active and need a tank that is at least 40 - 60 gallons. I have just a glass tank but I am dreaming of one of the front-opening tanks for snakes like the one below.
Make sure you secure the lid and or doors. Corn snakes are good at escaping!
These tanks are great for corn snakes who love to climb! !
2. Substrate: Provide a substrate for the tank floor, such as aspen bedding or reptile carpet. Avoid using substrates that can be accidentally ingested, such as wood chips or sand.
I use ZooMeds Reptile Forest Floor bedding which is natural. Put in several inches so they can burrow.
3. Hideouts: Cornsnakes need hiding spaces to feel secure. Include at least two hideouts, one on the cooler side of the tank and one on the warmer side. These can be made from reptile caves or even simple DIY options like cardboard boxes with holes.
4. Heat source: Cornsnakes are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. Use an under-tank heating pad or heat tape on one side of the tank to create a temperature gradient, allowing the snake to thermoregulate. It’s important to have heat in only one area of the tank so your snake can choose to be on or away from the heat.
5. Thermometer: It is essential to monitor the temperature in the tank accurately. Place a digital thermometer on both the cool and warm sides of the enclosure to ensure proper temperature gradients are maintained.
6. Hygrometer: Cornsnakes require humidity levels between 30-50%. Measure the humidity with a reliable hygrometer and adjust as necessary by misting or using a reptile humidifier.
7. Water dish: Provide a sturdy, shallow water dish that is large enough for the snake to soak in if desired. Position it on the cooler side of the tank to avoid excessive evaporation and maintain humidity levels.
You can use a dish designed for snakes like this one. Or I just used a metal dog water dish and sunk it down in the substrate.
8. Branches and climbing accessories: Cornsnakes are natural climbers, so providing branches, vines, or other climbing accessories will stimulate their natural behavior and provide them with exercise opportunities. It provides mental stimulation to occasionally change their branches and climbing spaces around.
9. Feeding supplies: Prepare for feeding by having a separate tank or secure box to transfer the corn snake during mealtime. Additionally, long feeding tongs or forceps are handy for offering frozen-thawed mice items to your snake.
10. Cage decorations: Add some aesthetic appeal to the snake's tank by including non-toxic plants, artificial foliage, or other decorations. These items can enhance the visual appeal of the environment while also providing additional hiding spots for the corn snake.
11. Cleaning supplies: Maintain good hygiene by having appropriate cleaning supplies on hand. This includes a reptile-safe cleaner, paper towels for spot-cleaning, and a reptile-safe disinfectant for deep cleaning.
Snakes are common in mythology around the world. Many times they are associated with evil doers. Think about Medusa and her head of snakes.
Many of the tribes in the southwest revered the snake and gave them a position of power in their folklore.
The Aztecs worshiped Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent who gave science and mathematics to his people and enlightened them.
The Hopi performed a Snake Dance in late summer where members of the tribe danced with snakes in their mouths. The snakes were from a variety of species which included venomous rattlesnakes and harmless garter snakes.
The Hopi felt having a good relationship was important and that being friends with snakes encouraged rain. In late summer they performed a dance called the “Snake Dance”. During this ceremonial dance, they carried snakes.
It is not a form of serpent worship but an attempt to encourage rain and good crops in a very dry area. The snakes are the messengers to the Gods and the dance asks the Gods to bless them with rain and a good harvest.
Here is a very old recording of the Snake Dance.
Ame Vanorio is a former science and special education teacher, the director of Fox Run Environmental Education Center, and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
There are many things you can do to create a friendly frog and toad yard. In this article, I will give you step-by-step directions to create amphibian-friendly places, explain the “why”, and provide images of frog garden designs.