Kentucky Turtles: Slowly Walking Towards Extinction?
By Ame Vanorio © 2018 updated June 26, 2020
You know at Fox Run Environmental Education Center we love our turtles! We are also very concerned about the fate of turtles in Kentucky. Kentucky is home to several species of turtles which are endangered or threatened.
Turtles are one of the more likely species to be encountered in the wild. They are slow moving and seemingly friendly. This makes them both wonderful for a chance encounter with wildlife and also makes them prone to human interference.
Kentucky Monitors 6 Species of Turtles
In Kentucky, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife monitors 6 turtle species (out of a total of 14) for conservation issues. Three of these—the alligator snapping turtle, midland smooth soft-shell, and southern painted turtle—are listed as either threatened or of special concern by Kentucky's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (KSNPC).
Three additional turtles (false map turtle, Mississippi map turtle, and mud turtle) have been added as Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) species for conservation reasons. This means that KYFW has reasons to believe that their population is rapidly declining and they may need intervention. Most turtle conservation areas are located in Western Kentucky.
Turtles are scavengers and an important part of the Eco-system. They eat dead fish in ponds and rivers. Think how smelly it would be without turtles!
Turtles and Rehabilitation
At Fox Run EEC we take in 10 – 15 turtles a year. Typically these turtles have been run over while crossing the road. Occasionally, we see one hit by a mower and once we had one who had fallen into a cement slurry mix at a construction site. Sadly, that turtle died from the toxins in the cement.
One of our rehabilitation turtles getting glued up!
For turtles with broken shells, we typically glue these back together. In some cases, we use pins to better hold the shell pieces (like a cast) together for cohesive healing. Turtles, being reptiles, do heal more slowly than mammals. Box turtles with mild injuries are often able to be released the same season.
Turtles do have a central nervous system and do feel pain. There is not a lot of research on appropriate pain medicines for turtles. However, we do give pain meds and hope that they are providing some relief.
By becoming a member you can help us save turtles and expand our reptile rescue.
Check out my children's book about our very own Goober Goose!
Eastern Box Turtle Conservation
The Eastern Box Turtle is considered a common turtle in Kentucky and the turtle we most see in wildlife rehabilitation. But did you know that the box turtle is actually threatened in many states? They are considered vulnerable in Kentucky. Habitat loss, expanding development, the pet trade, and removal by well-meaning citizens are all contributing to their demise.
Turtles have a homing instinct which you can read more about in our blog There Is No Place Like Home.
Government officials are recognizing that the eastern box turtle population is declining and it is now listed as a threatened species by the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This is to prevent box turtles from being sold in pet shops. In addition, they are protected under the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
My One Minute Rant!
So, I’m going to have just a little bit of a rant. I have a hard time understanding why people want to remove an animal, in this case, turtles, from its natural habitat and enclose it for there own “enjoyment”. I have had many people argue with me that the habitat they provide (usually a ten-gallon aquarium) is better.
When you remove a healthy animal from nature you are deliberately taking away its freedom, its ability to pursue life as God intended, and its ability to mate and increase the species. Yes, it may be safer but is that better?
If you must have a turtle consider adopting a legal species and then take the time to learn how big they get. If you follow our Facebook page you have seen the African Spurred Tortoises that have been found on roads by my Fish and Wildlife officers.
Their owners did not plan ahead and simply dumped them because they became too big and harder to care for. Damien of Arrowhead Reptile Rescue tells me that these tortoises have a very high abandonment rate.
Intern Jessie with an abandoned African Spurred Tortoise and one of our fawn rescues.
Note the pyramiding of the shell. These bumps are caused by poor care. Tortoises have very specific care needs such as humidity and temperature requirements.
Helping Baby Turtles In Your Yard
One of the easiest ways to help protect baby turtles in your yard (or any visiting turtles for that matter) is to adopt a wildlife-friendly approach to gardening. One of the first, and probably the easiest ways to do this is by using organic growing practices. Things like chemical insecticides and pesticides are bad news for baby turtles.
Eastern box turtle babies like to feed on insects and invertebrates such as crickets, earthworms, and slugs – in fact, they’ll eat pretty much anything small insects. By cutting out the use of nasty chemicals in your yard you’ll help to ensure that baby box turtles have enough food to help them develop. You’ll also prevent any secondary poisoning that may occur from them ingesting a poisoned insect.
Look at it this way, Eastern box turtles are probably a much better insect repellent than pesticide anyway.
Being so small and delicate, baby eastern box turtles are prone to being preyed on by a whole host of animals. From raccoons to foxes, to snakes, owls, and sadly even some household pets such as cats and dogs.
In fact, they often get preyed upon before they were born. Several people have asked me about helping protect turtle eggs. If you see a turtle laying eggs in your yard you are among the lucky few!
Don’t disturb her, however, when she is done mark the location of the nest. To protect the eggs you can cover the nest with a small wire metal cage. The cage must have openings large enough for the baby turtles to go through when they hatch. You don’t want to inhibit them from gaining their freedom!
A wire basket placed upside down or a small metal dog crate work well. Just make sure the holes are big enough for the baby to climb through.
These little babies have a tough time. By providing plenty of shelter in your yard, you give these babies a chance to hide and a fighting chance for survival. This shelter could come in the form of vegetation. So, plenty of shrubs and plants that they can seek refuge in, or you can create brush piles that will have the same effect. It’s also worth noting that these brush piles will be great for attracting insects to supplement both baby and adult turtle’s diets.
As well as providing shelter, baby box turtles will appreciate open spaces in which they can bask, however a soggy patch of garden or even a very shallow dish of water will give them somewhere to cool off should they get too hot. Damp, moist patches of grass work well but if you are installing (or already have) a more permanent water feature then you’ll want to pay attention to its design.
My favorite book on creating backyard wildlife habitat. By a former co-worker and great wildlife advocate.
It’s important to ensure that any turtles visiting will have adequate access in and out of the water source. A few rocks piled up to one side, a ramp or a slanted pool with a shallow end will prevent any water-related casualties. Eastern box turtles can swim, but they aren’t as adept at it as some of their cousins, and they can soon run into problems if they can’t get back to dry land.
One of the most important ways to help baby turtles in your yard is just to be aware of their presence. Especially before undergoing any work in the yard that involves machinery such as weed eating and mowing.
Be sure to thoroughly check lawns and edges, as well as paying attention as you work around your yard. Baby turtles are incredibly delicate and a run-in with garden machinery will cause a huge amount of damage to such a little creature.
Some Cool Facts About the Eastern Box Turtle
Box turtles are fascinating animals and have been on earth since the Pliocene period. The oldest box turtle fossil in America was found in Nebraska and dates back to the Miocene era some 5 million years ago.
“Most box turtles spend their entire lives – which can exceed 100 years! – within 250 yards of the nests where they were born”. This means that if a development or road expansion occurs the turtle is not able to readily move and adapt to a new area.
Studies have shown that box turtles have an internal map in their brain of their home range. If you relocate a turtle you may cause it confusion and it will only try to find its way home. Tracking studies have shown that relocated turtles sometimes die from stress and inability to adapt.
Box turtles help with seed dispersal. For instance, wild strawberries are a favorite of the eastern box turtle. The seeds are not digested and are defecated up to a mile from where they were eaten, thus spreading the strawberry.
Smash - one of our education turtles. Photo by Marina Tinney
Alligator Snapping Turtle
In Kentucky, we have two species of snapping turtles. The Common Snapping turtle and the Alligator Snapping turtle
The Alligator Snapping turtle is rare in Kentucky and found in limited areas in Western Kentucky near the Mississippi River. Six Kentucky counties (Ballard, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Livingston, and McCracken) have confirmed sightings.
This turtle has declined due to commercial harvest for human consumption, and general habitat destruction that has adversely impacted them throughout its range Alligator snapping turtle may not be harvested in Kentucky. Common Snapping turtles and many species of softshell turtles may be harvested for meat but may not be taken for sales purposes.
The Alligator Snapping Turtle is differentiated from the Common by 1. Its enormous size - Males typically weigh between 155 and 175 pounds 2. Eyes on the side of their heads 3. Pointed ridges run along the length of their body
By LA Dawson - Animal courtesy of Austin Reptile Service
Fun Facts About Alligator Snapping Turtles
· Keep away from the mouth - They have a bite force of 1000 pounds
· Largest freshwater turtle in the Americas
· They have a vermiform appendage. This fascinating adaptation is simply a red worm-like body part that wiggles around in the mouth luring in prey.
False Map Turtles
The False Map Turtle lives predominately in Western Kentucky along the Mississippi River watershed. They also live in ponds and lakes with the most viable population in Fulton County. They have been found on a few occasions in lakes and ponds in central Kentucky.
False Map Turtles are more communal then many turtle species. They often live together, basking on logs and alerting each other to danger.
They are a species in decline. A study conducted in 1999 found only 1.43 per 100 meters. The False Map Turtle typically on beaches and sandbars along rivers and lakes. Human disturbance and periodic summer flooding of beach and sandbar nesting habitat are major problems according to the KYFW. Drainage of wetlands for development has also been a primary concern.
Fun Fascinating Facts About False Map Turtles
· False map turtles use touch and body language (postures and movements) to communicate.
· During courting rituals, the male uses his fore-claws to drum over his potential mate’s eyes.
· Nicknamed the “sawback” turtle because their lower carapace has serrated spines.
Turtles Worldwide Are In Decline
Sadly, it’s not just an issue in Kentucky. Turtles world wide are in decline. Out of a total of 356 turtle species 61% of those are either already extinct or on their way. Turtles are the most threatened vertebrate group. World wide decline is due to the same reasons as we experience in Kentucky - habitat loss, the pet trade and climate change. The poor turtle, it is slow to adapt and change and this also makes it vulnerable.
“They outlasted the dinosaurs, but no turtle has time to evolve to avoid being killed on a road, says Whit Gibbons, emeritus professor of ecology at University of Georgia and co-author of the turtle study” .
You can also check out our blog on white tailed deer !
Author, Ame Vanorio has 27 years of experience living off-grid, is a certified teacher, and an organic farmer. She is the director of Fox Run Environmental Education Center and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
Check out our EVENTS page. Ame teaches classes locally and online about organic gardening, herbs, homesteading, green building, living off-grid, and wildlife conservation. In addition, she is a freelance writer and writes for several gardening, tiny house, and pet websites. She lives a sustainable life on her Kentucky farm with a myriad of domestic and wild animals.