Let The Sun Shine In Part 2: Low Cost Solar for Emergencies, Vacations and Remote Cabins — Fox Run Environmental Education Center

Let The Sun Shine In Part 2: Low Cost Solar for Emergencies, Vacations and Remote Cabins

Solar installations are rising and the cost of solar panels is dropping. This is good news – right? Yes! However, solar can still be very expensive if you are planning to run a traditionally sized home.

This article is going to focus on using solar on a small scale. Maybe you just want to have some backup plans for an emergency. Or you have a vacation cabin in the woods and you want a few more comforts of home.

Check out our tips to help you get going.

For an introduction to solar power check out my article “Let The Sun Shine In”

Solar Works Well As a DIY Project

Are you on a budget? Solar works well for a do it yourself (DIY) project. You can easily add on and increase your solar power. In fact, many people choose to slowly convert from conventional power to alternative power one room at a time.

In an area that gets hurricanes, tornados or winter storms. It pays to be prepared and have some solar backups.

I have built two off-grid cabins. Both times I did not have the money to install a full set of solar panels. In addition, we were building the homes ourselves and a roof was not readily available in the beginning.

Solar is great because you can add on, increase your power and combine it with other sources such as a generator or wind.

Below are several ideas and systems for getting started. They go from simplest to more complicated.

Lanterns for Off-Grid Use

Small solar and rechargeable camping lanterns

I love the Coleman lanterns for lighting a small area such as the dining room table or tucking a child into bed. They are rechargable so you don’t have to worry about batteries.

The other advantage is that they are portable and it’s not dangerous for children to carry around. I let my young children use them to read in bed although I would just have to check to make sure they did not fall asleep with them on.

Coleman rechargable lanterns are great for back up light and off-grid cabins.

I have gone through at least ten in the past 25+ years. They are rugged, however, if you are like me they will suffer through being dropped, knocked over by goats, or abused in general.

They typically have a rechargeable battery that recharges in the sun or via a car’s cigarette lighter. The newer ones tend to only come with the household plug in addition to a USB port. This means a cigarette adapter if you want to use your car to recharge.

This model doubles as a solar lamp and a charger.

We also tried both lamp oil and kerosene lanterns which were smelly and did not provide the safety level I wanted. I needed something I could take to the barn and set down to check on animals or do the milking in winter. In addition, when my children were young, I wanted them to be able to carry the lantern safely to bed or to do chores.

The highest quality kerosene models are the Aladdin Lamps which are excellent quality and very bright. The Amish use them in their homes.

Aladdin Lamps are high quality

Hanging Solar Lights

Once we started getting roof underway a very economical light is the hanging solar lamp. These do not produce a lot of lumens. A lumen is how light is measured. A 60-watt bulb averages 800 lumens.

These hanging solar lights do not have long life spans. My experience is they last about two years when using on a regular basis. Although, I do have a Nature Power one that is working after five years.

Keep in mind that when you mount them you do make a hole in roof or wall so choose somewhere that won’t be prone to leakage. In addition use roofing sealant around the hole.

This is the one that I have personally had the best luck with as far as longevity.

These lamps are good for area lighting. I put one over the dining room table and one over the kitchen counter. They are adequate to make dinner and dine under. If you are sitting directly below them they provide enough light to read or play a board game.

The advantage of the hanging lamp is that the bulb is over you and casts light over a broader area. They work well in an emergency or for vacation cabin lighting.

Solar Ovens

Solar ovens are a great way to save energy and to provide wonderful meals for your family. Solar ovens can be purchased or homemade. They make a fabulous science project.

Many people do not realize how much energy an electric oven consumes. It’s not something that works well on solar energy. Many people opt for gas (propane) stoves when living off the grid. But this also ties you to a fossil fuel and costs money.

Read my article on building a brick oven and grill!

You may not realize how hot a solar oven can get. Up to 285 degrees Fahrenheit. You can literally roast meats, boil water, bake bread and dehydrate vegetables and fruit in them.

Solar ovens are lightweight (The Sunflair model only weighs a little over a pound) and they are easy to transport and set up. I use ours at home and when I’m camping).

This is the model that I have. Its great for everyday cooking or to take camping.

A solar oven is also a fun family science project or excellent for a lowcost DIY project. I like this one from a young engineering student

Micro-Solar Systems

Micro solar systems are designed to do one or maybe two tasks. A good example of these are the solar cell phone and laptop chargers. They are small and inexpensive. They are nice to have on camping trips or a weekend in the cabin. However, they are not very practical for long term or day to day use.

They are nice because they do not use heavy batteries and are fairly compact. Smaller batteries do mean less power so don’t expect too much from them.

Small Solar Systems

There are many small solar systems that can do a variety of small applications. These systems are much more versatile and can be used in a greater number of applications.

Do be careful when looking at small systems. Design is very important. Read the reviews and make sure the system is sized for what you want it to do.

A monocrystalline array is generally more efficient than a polycrystalline array and will give you more bang for your buck.

The first system I purchased was one of those kits with a solar panel and then a variety of cords to connect for different applications. The one I was using had two battery alligator clips which attached to a small battery. I was running a modem and a laptop.

The problem with the system was that the wires were not adequate for the system and became very hot and burned out. Scary considering it could have caused a fire.

Take away - look for wires with appropriate gauge for the system and secure connections.

Many less expensive models offer connections that are nickel plated. These will work but not nearly as well as copper.

Systems made for RV and Marine applications work well on cabins for full time or occasional use. Small solar kits start to get into multiple components. There are often several steps required to put your system together.

It is easy to run a couple lights and a small appliance on these systems. You will need to know how many watts you are producing and how much power you need.

I really like the Goal Zero products which are available on Amazon and in camping stores such as REI. Goal Zero products are great because they are easy to use and many models are very portable.

Ame Vanorio has 27 years of experience living off-grid and is an organic farmer, teacher and licensed wildlife rehabilitator. She is the director of Fox Run Environmental Education Center . Ame teaches classes locally and online about organic gardening, green building, living off-grid and wildlife conservation. She lives a sustainable life on her Kentucky farm with a myriad of domestic and wild animals. 

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