Sweet potatoes are a staple at my house. Not only do they taste delicious but they are high in nutrients and store well. In addition, they are hardy and have few pests or diseases.
Grow Endive and Radicchio in Zone 6
Mustard Greens Zone 6
Crop Rotation - A Simple Yet Highly Effective Strategy
Daikon Radishes: Delicious Snack, Fabulous Cover Crop
Arugula: How To Grow and Use
Growing Grapes: Zone 6B
Grow Kale in Zone 6
MMM fresh kale greens. Kale is a nutrition superstar and is high in minerals and vitamins and rich in antioxidants. In fact, kale is one of the best survival foods you can grow.
Kale is very productive and very hardy. I often grow it like a green but it's in the brassica family along with cabbage and broccoli.
Vegan Composting and Fertilization
As a vegan, you want a garden full of healthy plants. Healthy plants fight off diseases and pests. And they have more nutrients which help us stay healthy too.
Plant-based compost is easy to make and will benefit your garden. My vegan friends often tell me that established gardeners tell them you can't compost without animal products. And that is simply not true!
Growing Horseradish: Hardy Perennial & Recipes
Growing Swiss Chard: Hardy, Easy to Grow Crop in Zone 6
Dill: Herb That Attracts Benficial Insects
Get Rid of Squash Bugs Organically
Grow Kohlrabi in Zone 6B
Kohlrabi is an unusual vegetable which makes it quite fun to grow. Many people have never heard of it or simply don’t know how to grow this strange-looking crop.
Whether you prefer to eat it raw in salads or roasted in the oven, kohlrabi is a fantastic vegetable to add to your garden for a longer growing season.
Growing Eggplant in Zone 6B
Grow a Native American Three Sisters Garden
Grow Brussels Sprouts in Zone 6B
Brussels Sprouts have a bad reputation as being ‘yucky’ from consumers and hard to grow for gardeners. However, this member of the Brassica family is a great addition to your garden.
I struggled with growing Brussels sprouts for years and made some major mistakes. And I wouldn't dare take any of what I grew to the farmers market…