Urban farms are “growing” in America in response to the need to produce and supply produce for cities. This article will look at the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits that urban farms bring to their locations and includes resources to find a local farm or CSA in your area.
Pass the Test: Soil Testing For Improved Fertility
What Do Your Plants Need? Soil Nutrients Explained
Your soil is your lifeline to a healthy garden. Without the right nutrients, in your soil, your garden will not produce as much as it should. Your plants need certain elements so that they can grow, reproduce and make fruits, flowers, and vegetables.
The first step in providing your plants with the right diet is to know what nutrients will make them healthy. The second step is knowing what happens if they do not get those nutrients. The third step is making your soil more compatible with your plant’s needs.
10 Reasons To Eat Organic - the short and long version
Garlic Uses For Health And Cooking
How To Grow The Best Garlic
My 4 Favorite Varieties of Garlic
The Loss of Insects and How it Affects Your Garden
Fall Gardens Are the Best!
Seeds: The Beginning of Life
I admit to being a seed catalog glutton. And while websites are wonderful and paper free I find guilty pleasure, sitting in my rocker by the wood stove in January devouring the pages. There are many wonderful seed companies. But all those beautiful pictures, skillfully written descriptions and array of terms can be very confusing.